This used to have a picture Of a Royal Pleco in Real life but Read what happened to me!
----Start---- We have noticed blatant plagiarism, or copyright theft, in several This is why we are kindly asking you to remove all copyrighted material update 2022: Not a thing ever happened, these lawyers, much like today, wastes everyone's time with idle threats. Going after hobby game sites. Today the censorship is much worse. Linking to is fine. Paraphrasing is fine. Copying and pasting, Sincerely, CC: Julian Dignall, You have no right to threaten my with legal action and then say do not draw this out. No you just sound like the biggest bully in the World and any viewers I have will see this PUBLIC Email, Emails Is not copyright and is not private. I suggest after I make my changes in my site that you do not email me again, because I will have cause for harassment. -----End----------- I can't believe that a little hobby site like mine is such a threat to planetcatfish. This email is way over the top.Seems to me more to it than this. Funny I did not "Steal" Anything. And the picture is not from their site. Its on lots of free hobby sites, I wonder how many hobby sites are being threatened? BTW Planet Catfish, you are not the internet police you cannot sue me for others works unless you are an agent for them. I will take the photos down I'm done with them anyways and don't worry folks I'm not scared one bit. The good news is that a few of the people who come here 2 happen to own petshops, I forwarded this email to them and they were horrified. They say it does not feel like were living in America. Also invited me to take pictures of all there fish and the places they buy from. This email is going wild through the aquaria business! I have had more email with offers since this post! This picture they speak of is all over the net I will not name the places more fuel for their fire. Update 2022: Boy now look at the internet and the dirty groups. But back then I remember all the Aquarium clubs and the Aquarium stores really sticking up for me. It was such a great time, I ended with a tank full of exotic plecos and they all bred. I was able to donate 12 to the Shedd Aquarium. I always mentioned to everyone I ran into in the aquarium hobby how planetcatfish treated me and I always will. Bullies NEVER prosper. |