
Warning! This is a Spoiler for the Mekasia Mystery!

Mek Main
Step 7




 7.0 - 7.5






 2.5 - 9.0


 15 days

You have the mekasphere in the tank, this is one tip I got from the newsgroups from Connie that helped me so much, when the Trills lay their eggs move the Meka sphere right in front of the eggs, the energy from the meka sphere give the life energy to the eggs and all the eggs hatch, some how this triggers the mekasphere to be <trumpet playing> a MULE Egg!, if it does not happen try again, remember before i take and warp <change the clock speed of the computer> I copy that tank in another folder, thus if i kill them i just recopy the tank.

Mek Main
Step 7